Kraków – Planty im. Floriana Nowackiego


Planty im. Florian Nowackiego – the oldest park in Podgórze, located near the mouth of the Wilga River to the Vistula River, between Władysław Warneńczyk, Sokolska, Karol Rollego and Jan Długosz Streets in Emil Serkowski Square. It was established in the years 1868-1888 on the initiative of Florian Nowacký (mayor of Podgórze and social activist) in the area of a buried medieval royal pond. It was revitalized last year, along with a playground. The children’s playground in Planty Nowacki Podgórze is unique in that there are benches dedicated to mothers with small children. The bench under the pergola with additional side support ensures comfort for the mother, from whom the rest of the entire playground is still close enough to be able to look after even older children.
Installed furniture: BOROLA benches, ATYP tables, ATYP screen